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Linore Rose Burkard
Winner of Readers' Favorite Award!
Winner of 2019 Book of the Month Award!
Finalist for the 2019 Book of the Year!
Forever, Lately
A Regency Time Travel Romance
Can true love triumph over time?
“A writer of historical fiction travels back in time—and into the world of her characters. An enjoyable and dramatic era-spanning love story.”


ABOUT ME (The "Unofficial" Bio)
Linore Rose Burkard
When I held my first library book in my hands at a tender young age, a new world of awesome opened for me. Books weren't just wonderfully fun or interesting, they were magical! Two things struck my childish brain as immutable: first, the hard-to-pronounce author names on book covers could not, I was sure, belong to mere mortals; no, these must be a special order of being, word magicians, creatures of amazing capacity, not subject to mundane living like the rest of us.
Second, I could never be one of them.
I was wrong on both counts. Not only are authors mere fallen creatures like the rest of us who do laundry and scrub dishes and floors and bathrooms, but I am one myself (in case you needed further proof of their fallability).
Only one of my earliest impressions as a reader hasn't changed: I still think books are magical, or should be. This pertains primarily to fiction. When I come across such a one in my reading, a treasure hiding between two covers, I store it in my library (one of the most valuable rooms a house can hold) so I can open it, get lost in it, and admire its beauty again another time.
As a writer, I strive to bring this magic, the best of bookish escape, to my readers. It is my great honor to have written books that many readers assure me have hit that sweet spot for them. Getting lost in the world of a book- not just any world, but one you delight to visit-is one of life's great pleasures, and if it is my small contribution to the world as a writer to do merely that, to provide wholesome, immersive escape to readers, (however so many or few) I embrace the calling.
In the words of Washington Irving,
"In writing to amuse … (if) I can by any lucky chance, in these days of evil, rub out one wrinkle from the brow of care or beguile the heavy heart of one moment of sorrow; if I can now and then …prompt a benevolent view of human nature, and make my reader more in good-humor with his fellow-beings and himself—surely, surely, I shall not then have written entirely in vain." *
Most of my books are inspirational with a Christian world-view. Some are clean and sweet but not overtly religious. Either way, it is my faith in Jesus Christ that moved me to write my first published novel and which has motivated me to write to this day.
If you're still with me and want to read my short (ahem: "official") bio., please click below.
* Washington Irving, from, Bracebridge Hall
