Do you feel stuck in your writing plans or dreams?
Have you had a book in mind that you just can’t finish?
Or do you have a book but it’s sitting like a dead duck, not selling copies?
Can you use direction, motivation, and a helping hand?
Do you want to finally move ahead and see your dream of a book come to fruition?
Join my coaching program!
I’ve had years of experience in writing and publishing, including opening an entire genre for the Christian Book Association (Inspirational Regency Romance), being a Book of the Year Finalist from Reader Favorites, winning four awards, and writing 15 books while raising and homeschooling five children. I’ve also started my own publishing company and published works by other authors.
You might think, “But I don’t have time to do any of those things.”
If nothing else, I am an expert at getting things finished despite all of life’s challenges. I will help you find time.
For some of our homeschooling years, my husband was disabled. For others, my eighty-nine-year-old grandmother came to live with us and needed my care as well.
But in addition to my years of experience in writing and publishing, I’ll help you find resources from other experts and editors, teach you the right way to contact agents and publishers, or take you by the hand to publish your own work professionally and in far less time than it takes the traditional publisher.
I’ve had one fiction series published by one of the top five Christian book houses, Harvest House Publishers, and I’ve published even more titles independently.
This means I know how to do both, and I can help you, whichever path you choose.
If you want to publish independently, I’ve already made the mistakes and pitfalls that are part of the learning curve. I can save you time, trouble, and the expense of making them and paying for them.
And I’ll steer you away from ending up with that amateur “self-published” book look.
Whether you’ve only finished the first draft, or if your book is still little more than an idea or image in your head, my coaching will move you toward the fulfillment of your dream book.

Do you want to be in the same place you’re in now concerning your book in six months? A year? What will change unless you do something different?
No matter how big the mountain looks, I’ll help you get over it, whether that means step by step, going around or through!
Have you tried to finish before but failed? I’ll help you “live out of your imagination (the desired outcome and product) instead of your history.” (Steven Covey)
Join my coaching group. Let me get you past the obstacle or over the mountain, whatever it is.
I’ve Already Got a Goal to Finish My Book
It’s great that you have a goal, but most people’s goals are never met. Statistics say only 7% of people meet their yearly goals. Why? Because they’re really only dreams. To make a dream a real goal, it must have a deadline. Goals are dreams with deadlines. Learn how to give wings to your dream by following my plan to set manageable, reachable deadlines. Learn how to meet those deadlines with the proper action steps.
Let’s face it. If you knew what steps to take or deadlines to reach, you’d already be doing them.
Napoleon Hill said, “Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.”
But you say, “That’s the problem. I don’t know the plan! Or, I don’t know the right plan.”
Fitzhugh Dodson said, “Without plans to reach (your goals), you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” Another way to put it is, “If you don’t have a definite destination, you’ll get there (nowhere) every time!”
You may think you know the destination: a finished book. But if you don’t know the steps to get that book finished and ready for the world, how can you reach it?
That’s like saying you want to go to California from New York but don’t have a car or plane ticket.
And how long are you going to wait? Some people want to wait until the perfect time to start acting on their dreams.
“Once the kids grow up.”
“Once the kids move out.”
“Once I retire.”
“Once I get a bigger house.”
“Once I get a real office.”
“Once I feel better.”
The reasons go on and on and on.
For most, this perfect time will never come. The Word of God says “NOW is the day of salvation,” for a reason. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.
Neither are we guaranteed a “perfect” time in life to dream dreams and act on them. The truth is, if you have a dream, it is likely God-given. How long are you willing to put off what God has inspired you to do? And how is that any different from saying, “Thanks, anyway, Lord, but no thanks. I’m not willing to work at it.”
NOW is the day of salvation for your God-given dream.
George Eliot said, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” But it can be too late—if you never do it and time runs out.

Country music artist Cody Johnson said, “If you got a dream, chase it, ‘cause a dream won’t chase you back.”
And God said, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5.
Please, for the sake of your dream book, ask God right now if it’s wise to keep procrastinating. If not,
Have you thought about this?
Imagine a world where writers didn’t have the faith to finish their books. A world without fiction. Without Dickens, Austen, Thackeray, or your favorite author.
Think of the many, many hours of joy great books have brought to you.
YOUR book could be the joy or the help that someone needs.
YOUR book will offer something to the world. Whether fiction or non-fiction, there is an audience for what you’ve got to say.
You might be thinking, “I’m no Dickens or Austen. Who needs what I have to say?”
SOMEONE does! The average person isn’t interested in the classics. They want what someone like you, an ordinary person, can write. They want real stories and love stories because our lives are a story and we learn by “witnessing” how others live.
And God LOVES to use ordinary people to bless the world in extraordinary ways.
In other words, I’m here to tell you that your story matters. Terri Savelle Foy says it changed her life when she was told that “There are people in this world on the other side of your procrastination who need what you have.”
I’m telling this to you: Literally, there are people in need of your contribution, doing without while you procrastinate.
Will they survive without your work? Yes. But could they be blessed or helped by it? YES!
God has given you unique gifts, words, thoughts and ideas. Writers are artists with skills and talents unique to them. No one else on this planet can write your book the way you can. No one else can tell your story the way you can.
I Only Want to Write My Book for My Family
For some people, this is all they want, a record of their life for later generations. That’s fine! But you still want it to be the best it can be, right? After all, it will be your legacy.
Don’t wait any longer. JOIN MY COACHING PROGRAM. Take ACTION and tell procrastination GOODBYE. Meet your dream. Walk into your future as an author.

Also, space is limited! To ensure I can offer the help you need, I can’t take on a whole passel of writers. I only have a few spots, so DON’T MISS OUT.
If God is tugging at your heart, take the leap of faith. Invest in your dream, and His dream for you. It’s a small investment and just think of how proud of yourself you’ll be when you’re holding that finished book in your hands.
What You’ll Get by Teaming Up with Me to Make Your Dream Book a Reality:
Face to Face Online Meetings 2x/month
Email support.
Step-by-step help toward reaching your book goal, whatever it is.
A 100% money-back guarantee (Limited Time)
Prayer support. Not only I, but my dedicated prayer team will pray you through your project.
The option of having your book considered for publication with my company, Lilliput Press. This alone could save you years of searching for a publisher.*
Most important of all, you’ll get the satisfaction of knowing you are doing your part to bring your book to life, to share it with the world, and to fulfill your God-given destiny as an author.
You’ll be finally bringing to the world and those waiting readers what the Lord put on your heart to create.
SOME COACHES CHARGE $150 to $500 per session. Don’t believe it? Just Google it. Some big names charge into the thousands.
My coaching, in contrast, is a bargain.
Likewise, many, many independently published books cost the writer $2500 to $4000 or more for the basic package with a “self-publishing company,” plus editing, plus corrections, plus you name it.
In contrast, if you independently publish with my help, I’ll save you those horrendous costs, teach you shortcuts, and help you get a professionally polished book for much less.

Self-publishing requires an author to wear many hats. Besides writing, the author has to get a cover designer, editor, proofreader, book formatter, etc. etc. I understand it all, as I’ve been publishing books for a decade.
As I mentioned, I can hold your hand and walk you through all the steps to ensure that your book is done right. It will have the professionalism of any other book you see in the bookstore.
But if self-publishing still isn’t for you, and you hate the idea of querying endless publishers hoping for that “lucky break,” your book can be considered for publication by Lilliput Press, my own publishing company, and with no query letter needed!
*When you join my coaching program for at least 6 months, your book will automatically be considered for publication—if you want it to be.
Remember, spots are very limited! Don’t let your dream book wait on the back burner any longer. Some things that simmer too long end up burned and tasteless. Or the “vision” gets lost or forgotten. Don’t let that happen to your book. We’ll work together to renew your vision, clarify what you want (if you don’t already know) and get you further along than you thought possible in a short time.)
I love encouraging writers and helping them to meet their book dreams. Grab your spot now so I can help YOU meet yours!
I look forward to working with you,

Suzy Connaughton, debut author
Like Swans
"My novel, Like Swans, thrived from Linore's encouragement and editing. She often reminded me to add dialogue tags and emotions to my characters and helped me transition from one scene to another. (She always said to take the reader with me!) Her feedback, guidance and encouragement helped make Like Swans possible!"

Donna J. Shepherd, children's author
Ava's Secret Tea Party
"I never considered myself a fiction writer, but thanks to Linore's excellent coaching, I have published a novelette and finished a novella. Perhaps a novel is even in my future! If so, I will be sure to rely on Linore's expertise to make it the best it can be."

Tom Rattray, author,
The Accidental Spy
Linore was the energy, the expertise, and the encouragement to keep me writing and finish my last book. Her frank appraisal of what I needed was right on target, and kept me going. I always looked forward to her commentary. Thank you so much.

Dr. Tammi Ector,
debut author
Seasons of Her Soul
Linore used her experience and expertise to coach me through taking my manuscript from a long-held dream to a polished, published novel. As a leadership coach myself, I especially appreciated that she asked powerful questions, held me accountable, provided invaluable feedback, encouraged and celebrated with me when I reached my goals. The level of professionalism, passion, and pure God-given talent she devoted to the coaching made me a better writer and a repeat coachee. I look forward to working with Linore to publish my second novel. It's such a blessing and a joy to have one of the best in the business as my book coach!